Casually 1&2

This is the newest model that Genki & I keep testing and fine-tuning the whole summer time.
It's called "Casually" The name says all.
Sometimes we just want to surf casually : not too crazy performance and not too classic slow nose rider.
I see single fin long boards are high demands but it doesn't has to be super heavy 5050 classic design for all the time especially for windy or good size day.
You can turn when you need to make iffy sections and you can still do nose ride when you see good sections to walk.
Casually is really a friendly design that listens to you.
It's got quick response and smooth flow with easy take-off that's all you want anyway unless you look for something really extreme...
Make it 2" longer 1/4 wider 1/8 ticker than your performance board. or 2" shorter, 1/4 narrower, 1/8 thinner than your classic board
Single fin is recommended